On September 16th, 2021, Rotary Club of Drumheller presented a $10,108.80 cheque to the Drumheller Area Health Foundation to purchase 48 chairs for the Drumheller Health Centre to meet COVID transmission prevention protocols. The chairs will be placed in Acute Care rooms, Continuing Care rooms, and the waiting rooms in the hospital, so they can be easily cleaned to meet COVID protocols and enhance patient and visitor safety. Attending the cheque presentation were (left to right):
Tania Johnson, President, Rotary Club of Drumheller
Nathan Banda, Site Manager, Drumheller Health Centre
Jim Fisher, Chair, Rotary Club Foundation
Susan Schmidt, Chair, Drumheller Area Health Foundation
Linda Fisher, Secretary, Rotary Club of Drumheller
Gary Krabsen, Treasurer, Drumheller Area Health Foundation
A huge THANK YOU to the Rotary Club of Drumheller for their generous donation!
September 23, 2021