2020 Tree of Hope Fundraiser Cancelled
It is with great disappointment that we are announcing the 2020 Tree of Hope fundraiser will not proceed this month, due to current events with COVID-19. The Tree of Hope fundraiser is an unique event honouring the ones we love and ones we lost at a special time of year, in support of Palliative Care at the Drumheller Health Centre. All possible avenues were considered, but the Drumheller Area Health Foundation Board and staff could not make the fundraiser safe for everyone, including volunteers, while…
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Drumheller Hospital Auxiliary Society Donation Helps Long Term Care
The Drumheller Hospital Auxiliary Society presented their donation of $10,727.68 to purchase 33 slings for the Long Term Care unit at the Drumheller Health Centre to be utilized with the portable Sara lifts, on October 22nd. This purchase allows each resident to have a designated sling to address COVID-19 transmission guidelines. The Drumheller Area Health Foundation is grateful for the Drumheller Hospital Auxiliary Society's donation to make the Long Term Care residents' home a safer place.
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2020 Gaye Ross Memorial Nursing Scholarship Awarded
Kaylin Herzog from Hanna, Alberta was awarded the 2020 Gaye Ross Memorial Nursing Scholarship by the Drumheller Area Health Foundation on October 7th, 2020. This scholarship was created in 1998 in memory of Gaye Ross, who was an active community member as well as a respected Registered Nurse at the Drumheller Health Centre. Kaylin's dedication to nursing by being a LPN for five years at Drumheller Health Centre and now pursuing her RN education earned her this scholarship. Presenting the 2020 Gaye Ross…