Recognizing Two Amazing Volunteers Who Raised Over $250,000

On June 22nd, 2022, John McKenzie and Chip Aiello were recognized for their volunteer efforts to raise money for the Drumheller Area Health Foundation. They have raised over $250,000 for equipment for the Drumheller Health Centre simply by getting in their car, travelling, and talking to people about the benefits of the local health care system. This is their story:

John McKenzie knew the value of health care in his community and he wanted to ensure the hospital could retain staff, nurses, and physicians for years to come.  He knew that they needed good equipment to do their work effectively and he set out to ensure they would have the best equipment available.  He also knew it would take building relationships to purchase hospital equipment, so he decided to “walk the talk” and spread the word about the value of the Drumheller Area Health Foundation in the community.  Dr. Aiello was a good friend of John’s, so John enlisted the help of his son Chip Aiello and together they travelled throughout the rural areas surrounding Drumheller, including visiting Hutterite Brethren, to develop relationships.  They talked about the value of the Drumheller Health Centre, including Maternity and Operating Room services along with Public Health and outpatient services, such as Physiotherapy.  They volunteered their time and their travel costs for several years to raise funding for the hospital.  Their efforts resulted in raising over $250,000 for the Drumheller Area Health Foundation, including six private donor gifts and various Hutterite Brethren gifts.  This funding purchased several pieces of equipment for the Drumheller Health Centre, including three Panda Infant Warmers, a Sara Stedy Lift, four Vital Sign Monitors, a Fetal Heart Monitor, and two ICU beds.  The amazing volunteer efforts of John and Chip made these equipment purchases possible, so staff would have the tools available to enhance the patient experience.  They showed how connecting with others and developing relationships could make a big impact on health care in our community.  Their actions have left a permanent mark on bettering health care in Drumheller and area.  Thank you John and Chip!  Your volunteer efforts truly made a big difference!

August 4, 2022

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